Saturday, 6 October 2012

SAVE TV (Learner Response)

According to narrative theories, we believe that our advert follows the theorist Todorov. The Bulgarian theorist suggests most narratives start with the state of equilibrium in which life is 'normal' and protagonists are happy and satisfied. The state of normality is then disrupted by an outside force, which has to be fought against in order to return to a state of equilibrium. This model can be applied to a wide range of films and adverts. In this case, it links to our advert.

1) Equilibrium
(The female character searches for her favourite program on the internet and everything is normal)

2) Disequilibrium
(Her program takes extremely long to buffer)

3) Recognition of Problem
(She then gets so frustrated that she falls asleep waiting for it, and has a dream)

4) Resolution
(In her dream she meets a man that tells her to invest in a TV and he describes all the benefits of having a TV)

5) Equilibrium
(The female character wakes up and decides to invest in a TV and is more aware about never to use the computer if you need to watch something as it takes forever to buffer)

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